The countdown for Bizbie’s launch is ON!!

Register a Business

Register a business using your BizRep ID below:

Contact Form V1 (#4) (#5)

Find the Bizbie BizReps exclusive group here:

Want to know more about becomming a Bizbie BizRep?

Here are some of our most frequently asked questions:

What do Bizbie BizRep’s Sell?

Simple: BizReps sell Bizbie subscriptions to businesses.


What minimum requirements does a Bizbie BizRep have to meet?

Since the roles are commission only, Bizbie BizReps must sell several business subscriptions each month to maintain their Registered BizRep status. 


How many business subscriptions must a Bizbie BizRep sell?

In short, the requirement is 4 subscriptions/month – for now! This number WILL increase when Bizbie is live. 


Do the sold subscriptions roll over?

Great news, yes, they do! Register 8 businesses this month, and 4 subscriptions count for next month. However, only a maximum of 24 will roll over within a 6-month period.


If a Bizbie BizRep does not meet the requirements to maintain their registered status, what happens to their current commissions?

Nothing, they will keep their earned commissions, and any business within their team will remain within their team indefinitely (subject to them providing ongoing support to their team). They will lose their chance at earning additional ‘free businesses’.


What benefits does a Bizbie BizRep earn?

There are an array of perks and bonuses associated with being a Bizbie BizRep, but the most exciting perk is that ANY business that purchases a subscription is added to the monthly ‘free businesses’ and put in the pool for the top earners to add to their team.


What is a ‘free business’?

‘Free businesses’ are businesses that join up without a BizRep. Ie, they heard about it through a friend, a marketing channel, or an internet search. Bizbie’s goal is to give back, so these businesses will be added to a ‘pool’ that will be distributed to the top earning BizReps. This is a recognition for hard work, and will be divided by area (areas to be determined at a later date, and subject to change). 


Is there training?

Absolutely, training packs are in the making and will be transmitted via your Bizbie email as soon as they are ready.

Also, you will be invited to the exclusive FB group where all Bizbie BizReps share their tips and tricks! 

Apply to be a Bizbie Registered BizRep today!

Fill out the form below to become a Registered BizRep today! 

Bizbie BizRep Application
Pre-Registered Businesses!
Quantity of Pre-Registered Businesses updated weekly!